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Siddharth Chhetri
Sarwan Memorial School (SMS), Banarhat, Jalpaiguri
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ICSE BIOLOGY SUGGESTIVE PAPER 2016 . All the best Question 1 a.) Choose the correct alternative.[0.5*10=5] i . The chromosomes responsible for characteristics other than sex are known by which of the following terms? a) ribosomes b) lysosomes c) autosome d) spermatocy ii. In the first stage of photosynthesis, light energy is used to: a) move water molecules b) denature chlorophyll c) split water d) produce carbohydratestes iii. Osmoregulation is concerned with: a) excretion b) ionic regulation c) control of the body's water content d) carbon dioxide regulation iv. Which of the following is not found in blood? a) fibrinogen b) glucose c) urea d) glycogen v. Water molecules enter plant epidermal cells by: a) osmosis b) active transport c) translocation d) transpiration vi. In mammals, the primary function of the loop of Henle is: a) reabsorption of water b) water secretion c) ammonia secretion d) bicarbonate reabsorption vii. Of the following, which is NOT a viral disease? I it: a) Hepatitis b) Chicken Pox c) Tuberculosis d) Rabies viii. Once the erythrocytes enter the blood in humans, i is estimated that they have an average lifetime of how many days. Is it: a) 10 days b) 120 days c) 200 days d) 360 days ix In the human brain, body temperature, metabolism, heart rate, sexual development, sleep and the body's use of fat and water are influenced by this region of the brain. a) hypothalamus b) midbrain c) corpus callosum d) cerebellum x. The physical appearance and properties of an organism which is the expression of the genetic makeup is called the: a) phenotype b) pangenesis c) parental trait d) genotype b. Name the following.[5] i. The process of exchange of genetic material between non sister chromatids ii. The first stable product formed during CO2 fixation. iii . The middle coat of the eye soft, vascular and thin layer. iv. The type of immunity which already exist in a body by virtue of genetic makeup. v. A fully developed part of the ovary containing mature egg. c. Fill in the blanks as if they are in a certain relation.[5] example Tunica media :mesocardium::Tunica interna:endocardium. i. Isobilateral:Reticulate venation::Dorsiventral:_____ ii. iii. iv. v. Body balance:Cerebellum:Heart beat:_____ Carotin:Red::Xanthophyll:________ Phenol:Disinfectant::Streptomycin:_______ Gigantism:Pitutary:Addison s Syndrome:________ d. Arrange them in a logical sequence.[5] i. ii. iii. iv. v. Lungs, Right ventricle, Posterior vena cave, Dorsal aorta. Implantation,Fertilisation,Parturition,Oogenesis. Spongy cells, Upper epidermis, Stoma, Palisade tissue, Sub-stomatal space. Pupil, Yellow Spot. Cornea, Lens. Aqueous humour. Prophase, Metaphase,Anaphase,G1 phase. e. Write the exact location of the following.[5] i. ii. iii. Pancreas Cortex in plant. Bulbo urethral gland. iv. v. Hypothalamus. Headquaters of WHO. f. Give a reason to explain the following[5] i. ii. iii. iv. v. Sperms are produced in large numbers. Root hairs are unicellular. Farmers transplant seedlings in the evening. The earth s temperature has increased as compared to earlier few years, in this context tell why it happened. Veins have valves, but arteries do not. g. Explain the following terms briefly. i. ii. iii. iv. Prophylaxis. Myocardial infarction. Law of independent assortment. Polymerization. v. Haematuria. h. The diagram given below is an experiment conducted to study a factor necessary for Photosynthesis. Observe the diagrams and then answer the following questions: i. ii. iii. iv. What is the aim of the experiment.[1] What type of leaf was taken for the experiment .Give an example.[1] How is the leaf tested for the factor as named by you in (i) above.[2] Give a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis.[1] SECTION B--- (40 MARKS) ATTEMPT ANY FOUR. QUESTION 2. a. i. ii. iii. iv. Answer questions in relation to the diagram.[5] State two major categories under which you could classify the structures as shown above and also classify them. State the function of Neutrophil and Lymphocyte. Name one place where all the five structures are produced. Define diapedesis v. vi. b. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Name the condition which is caused when the above structure count decreases in the body. Which structure above is related to inflammation. Differentiate between the following on the basis of what is mentioned in the bracket[5] Rods and Cones( type of vision). Hypersecretion from adrenal cortex and hypersecretion form thyroid gland( symptoms). Cilliary muscle and suspensory ligament (function) Artery and vein (collapsibility) Sessile and motile( which gamete has each feature) . QUESTION 2. Answer the questions a. with reference to the diagram.[5] State whether the structure is dorsiventral or isobilateral .Give one reason to support your answer. ii. State the function of guard cell. iii. State how guard cell performs the function as stated in (ii) above. iv. Fill in the blanks: The water vapour diffuse into the ________ and reach the substomatal space, and from where escape out through the stomata. v. Draw a neat labeled diagram of stomatal apparatus. i. Give the fullform of [1] 1.RuBP 2. MTP i. b. ii. State the odd term from these . giving a suitable reason. [2] 1.Grey matter,pia matter, ventricle, pericardium. 2. Chlorophyll, magnesium,photosynthesis,haemoglobin,calcium. iii. Give two causes of myopia. State the lens used to correct it [2] QUESTION 3 The diagram given below shows an organ systems and a gland associated with it. Study the diagram and answer the following questions : -[5] i. Mention three organ systems shown partly in the diagram. a. ii. Name the organ in the picture which is responsible for filtration. iii. Define --- 1. ultrafiltration 2. Selective reabsorption. iv . Name the pigment present in urine. v . Glucose is normally not found in urine give reason. b. 1. i. Name the hormones responsible for.[2] Conversion of glycogen into glucose. Controlling the BMR. 3. Stimulates lactation. 4. Responsible for beards in womens. ii. Why is pituitary gland is called the master gland.[1] iii. State the location and function of hypothalamus.,[2] 2. QUESTION 4 v. Answer the following questions briefly.[5] Two functions of WHO. Two sources of air pollution. Name two factors affecting rate of transpiration. Two reasons for population explosion in India. Two barriers methods used by females for preventing contraception. b. With reference to humam ear , answer the question that follows.[5] a. i. ii. iii. iv. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Label the parts 3,1,8, and 11. Write the function of 7 and 8 . State the part which secretes cerumen. State the part(outer,middle or inner ear) where vestibule is located. In which membrane of cochlea is the organ of corti located. Name the fluid present in median canal of cochlea. Which lobe of brain is responsible for hearing. QUESTION 5 a. The given figure is a diagrammatic representation of a nexperiment to show osmosis by potato osmoscope.[5] i. ii. iii. What is the reason for the observation made here. What would be the observation made if the sugar solution in the experiment is replaced by coloured water. What is the observation made if the coloured water is replaced by sugar solution in the experiment. iv. v. b. i. ii. iii. iv. What is the observation made if the potato used in the experiment is boiled potato. Give two examples of semipermeable membrane. Draw a diagram of male gamete , and labell the parts 1.Acrosome. 2.Nucleus. 3.Mitochondria 4.Tail [2] Write the name of enzyme secreted by acrosome.[0.5] State the function of tail for the gamete.[1] State the location of prostate gland,and state its function also.[1] Name the part/cells of testis which provide nourishment to the male gamete. [0.5] QUESTION 6. a. With reference to the diagram answer. i. ii. Labe the parts 1,2 and 3. Name the structure composed of polyneucleotide strands. Give one difference between neucleosome and that shown in the figure. iv. Complete the sentence: The sequences of three nitrogenous bases are called_______. v. Give two differences between mitosis and meiosis. Answer the following questions iii. b. i. ii. iii. Give one difference between active and passive immunity. State whether symphatetic or parasympathetic brings about the inhibition of peristalsis movement. State the function of pons varolli. iv. v. Which blood group is called universal donor. Expand:CFCs and BCG. QUESTION 7 i. Perform a cross between a colour blind man and a carrier woman. And state the phenotype of the progeny. ii. Define gene. iii. Give two reasons to justify why Mendel selected pisum sativum for his experiments . iv . Explain briefly, what is meant by the statement :Males are hetrogametic. v . If Samriddha says I have inherited some characterstics from my father, and her brother Abhishek says he has inherited from her mother.What is the single most important term which can be used to define this condition. a. Give technical terms for the following. [5] [ANY TEN] i. The valve which maintain unidirectional flow of blood from right auricle to right ventricle. ii. The gland which secretes ACTH. iii. The pollutant responsible for Minamata disease. b. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. The divison of cytoplasm. The part which connects small intestine to liver. The part in the Ganong s photometer which resets the air bubble. Abnormal decrease in the number of RBCs. The part in female reproductive system homologous to penis in males. The type of lens used to cure astigmatism. A substance like ,Phenyl mercuric acetate, which is applied on leaves. A structure called grave yard of RBCs. ALL THE BEST FOR ICSE 2016 .

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