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Siddharth Chhetri
Sarwan Memorial School (SMS), Banarhat, Jalpaiguri
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ICSE PHYSICS IMPORTANT PAPER SUGGESTIVE PAPER 2016 SECTION A(40 MARKS) ATTEMPT ALL QUESTONS FROM THIS SECTION QUESTION 1 a. i.) State whether momentum is scalar or vector.[1] ii.) Where is the centre of gravity of a hollow cone situated. [1] b. i.) When a planet moves around the sun,what is the source of centripetal force to the circular motion.[1] ii.)State the SI unit of torque.[1] c. Derive the relationship between kinetic energy and momentum.[2] d. i.) Give one example of lever of class I , whose mechanical advantage is greater than one.[1] ii.)State the relationship between gear ratio and radius of driven wheel and driving wheel, of a gear system.[1] e. Siddharth asks his friend to what physical quantities could they relate work to? Prakash said he can relate it with kinetic energy . And Ijaz said he can relate it in such a way that his relationship has mass, velocity and change in velocity( delta v). State how Prakas and Ijaz could have related it.[2] QUESTION 2 a. i.) State the reason for refraction.[1] ii.) State one factor on which refractive index of a material depends , and also state how it depends on this factor.[1] b. c. d. i.) Under what condition can the focal lengths on two sides of a lens can vary. [1] ii.)Fill in the blank : When a ray of light passes through the principal focus ,the ray after refraction through a convex lens passes_________________[1] i.) State true or false: If a ray of light travels from one medium to another, the two mediums have different values of refractive index, then the ray of light must undergo refraction.[1] ii).State how you could relate time, wavelength and wave velocity. [1] Nitesh claims that by using concave lens he gets an erect image, While Ashutosh says he can get erect image by using concave lens. i.)State who is correct.[1] ii.)Give one point of difference between concave lens and convex lens.[1] e. i.) Define invisible spectrum.[1] ii.)Identify the radiation: It is produced when highly energetic electrons are stopped by a heavy metals, and it can produce flouresence.[1] QUESTION 3 a. b. c. A radar sends a signal to an aeroplane at a distance 45km away with a speed of 3 x 108 ms-1. After howl ong is the signal received back from the aeroplane?[1] i.) Why loudness is subjective property.[1] ii.) State the SI unit of Frequency.[1] i.) Bends in a rubber pipe reduces the flow of water through it .How would the bends in a wire affect its electrical resistance.[1] ii.) State the material used to make standard resistors.[1] d. e. i.) Mention two property of High tension wire.[1] ii.)Mention two property of copper as to why it is used to make calorimeter.[1] i.) Give one reason why soft iron is used in electromagnet .[1] ii.) State the function of commutator in a dc motor.[1] QUESTION 4 A piece of iron of mass 2.0 kg has a thermal capacity of 966 J C-1. (i) How much heat is needed to warm it by 15 C? (ii) What is its specific heat capacity in S.I. units? [2] a. b. i.) Which substance has the highest specific heat capacity.[1] ii.)Fill in the blanks: The melting point of substances which contract on melting increases by the ________ in pressure.[1] c. i.) Why is the cathode ray tube evacuated to low pressure.[1] ii.)Draw a diagram to show the deflection of electron beam by the electric field.[1] Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit consisting of a battery of three cells of 2 V each, a 5 resistor, an 8 resistor, and a 12 resistor, and a plug key, all connected in series. d. Also find the current in the circuit.[2] e. i.) Name the radiation which is deviated most in a magnetic field.[1] ii.) Give an equation to show when an element X with mass number 80 and atomic number 38, undergoes a gamma decay.[1] SECTION B(40 MARKS) ATTEMPT ANY FOUR QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION. QUESTION 5. a. b. c. State whether true or false , giving a reason.[2] i.) p= m v, this equation is always true. ii.) VR= displacement of load/displacement of effort. State the energy changes which occur in the following.[2] i. Burning of a coal ii. An electric cell when in use. Nidhi is studying , as tomorrow she has exam. Her mother says she is working very hard, but her father (who is a scientist), says she is not doing any work. In this context , i.) state any two conditions which is required to be present for work to be done.[2] ii.) In her exam Nidhi wrote the following statement as a definition to couple. State whether it is correct or not Two equal and opposite parallel forces acting along the same line form a couple .[1] iii.) And in next question which was for an inclined plane, She writes the following pair of equations , state whether it was correct or not.If not correct then correct it[1] L cos = R L sin = E d. State two differences between single fixed pulley and single movable pulley.[2] QUESTION 6 A linear object is placed on the axis of a lens. An image is formed by refraction in the lens. For all positions of the object on the axis of the lens, the positions of the image are always between the lens and the object. (i) Name the lens. a. (ii) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image of an object placed in front of the lens at any position of your choice except infinity.[3] b. c. d. Draw a graph to show how does angle of deviation depends on angle of incidence.[1] State whether critical angle increases or decreases with increase in temperature. [1] Write the correct alternative.[2] i. ii. e. Infrared waves---- 1. For broadcasting 2. Absorbed by ozone layer 3. Danger signals during war. Which of these used in terrestrial telescope ----1. Concave lens 2. Convex lens 3. Cylindrical lens. i.) State a relationship between critical angle and refractive index.[1] ii.)Name the prism used for obtaining the spectrum of infrared rays. [1] iii .) State which colour of white light will take maximum time to travel certain distance in diamond. [1] QUESTION 7 a. State two ways by which you can decrease the frequency of a string.[2] b. Give one reason for each:[3] i. Speed of sound is faster in iron (metal) than in water. ii. It is not possible to listen what your friend is saying to you in a vaccum medium. iii. The sound of a clock(tik tok) is not considered musical, but the song sung by Kishore Kumar is musical. c. i. Define the factor on which the pitch of a note depends.[1] ii . State the condition necessary for resonance to occur.[1] iii . Give any one property of wave motion.[1] d. i. State whether current is scalar or vector.[1] ii . Name one material whose resistivity decreases with rise in temperature.[1] QUESTION 8 a. i. ii. iii. iv. Shraddha is investing electrical circuits in the lab. She connects various resistors in combination. The reading on her ammeter is 0.3 A. Calculate the total resistance of the circuit. The value of R. The current flowing through R. Explain which resistor R or 60 ohm ,would convert the greater amount of energy into heat.[4] i. ) Name the device. ii.)State its working principle. iii .) Under what condition does the magnitude of induced emf becomes maximum.[3] b. c.) Arjoon has a mass of 40 kg, he runs up a flight of 50 steps , each step is 10 cm high and he crosses each step in 5 seconds .Calculate (i) Work done (ii) Power developed .Given g = 9.8 ms- [2] d. i.) According to the new colour convention which wire is coded as brown.[1] ii.)Why is it necessary to remove paint from metallic body of a device to which earthing is to be done.[1] QUESTION 9 A copper cylinder has a mass of 76.8 g and a specific heat of 0.092 cal/g C. It is heated to 86.5 C and then put in 68.7 g of turpentine whose temperature is 19.5 C. The final temperature of the mixture is 31.9 C. What is the specific heat of the turpentine?[3] a. b. c. d. i.) Define global warming.[1] ii.) State a relationship between heat capacity and specific heat capacity.[1] iii .) True or false: Heat is measured by thermopile. If false then correct it by changing the only the first or last word.[1] Anksuh sleeps with a 7.5-Watt night light bulb on. He turns it on before getting in bed and turns it off 8 hours later. i . Determine the amount of energy used during one evening in units of kiloWatt hours. ii. Electrical energy costs 13 Rupees /kW hr where Ankush lives. Determine the annual (365 days) cost of this practice of using a 7.5-Watt night light. iii. Determine the annual savings if Ankush replaced his 7.5-Watt incandescent night light by a 0.5-Watt LED night light.[3] State true or false: When a solid changes into a liquid ,without any change in temperature, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases., If false then correct it.[1] QUESTION 10 a. b. c. With reference to the diagram answer the questions. i. What is thermionic emission? ii. Name the parts labeled A,B,C and D. iii. How the electrons are emitted. iv. What causes the electrons to be accelerated across the tube? v. Give one device where this is used.[5] i.) Will a transformer work on AC.[0.5] ii.)State Fleming s left hand rule.[1.5] The equation for the reaction is shown i. Write down the atomic number and mass number for xenon.[1] ii. Name the conservative principle that you used to work out the atomic number.[1] d. Deepika always gets confused in finding the polarity of an electromagnet by using clock rule.She gets confused whether clockwise current is for which polarity and vice versa. Briefly explain this point , in a way as if you are explaining her the doubt.[1]

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