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CBSE 10th
CBSE 12th
another hard paper for computers!!
2 pages, 31 questions, 22 questions with responses, 30 total responses
Nisarg Pandya
Zydus School for Excellence (ZSE), Vejalpur, Ahmedabad
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Sample Paper 5 Sample Paper 5 Class X Subject COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SECTION A (All Questions are compulsory ) Question 1 (2 marks each) (a) Define a class. How is it related to an object, explain? (b) What is a compound statement, provide an example? (c) Explain the concept of try-catch-finally with a suitable example. What is the use of finally keyword in respect of that (d) State and explain the multiple branch selection statement provided by Java. (e) Given numbers 23, 45, -33, 533, 100. Illustrate a binary search to locate the number 500. Question 2 (2 marks each) (a) What is a package? Name any 2 packages of java those are yet not used by you. (b) What is the value of the following expressions( or ERROR)? i) DISARIHALDIA .substring(4).indexOf( A ); ii) Correct .charAt(1).compareTo( Option .charAt(0)); (c) Unlike other languages, why does Java need a compiler as well as an interpreter? (d) What is meant by an infinite loop? Give an example. (e) Write a statement in Java for ( a + b) 3 4 ab Question 3 Differentiate between the following pairs: (a) Coercion and casting (b) String and StringBuffer classes (c) Byte Oriented and Character Oriented Streams (d) if-else and switch (e) throw and throws (2 marks each) Question 4 (1 mark each) (a) What is the requisite data type to store the character * ? (b) Which keyword is used to raise an exception? (c) If a =12, b =11 and a+= a++ (--a * --b). Find the values of a and b. (d) State the three types of errors. (e) What does return? (f) Given String str = 60 ; write the statement to convert it to an integer data type. (g) State any two IOException classes. (h) Name the method used to print random numbers between 0 and 1. (i) State any two non-numeric primitive data type. (j) How many iterations are involved while bubble sorting an array of 5 integers? SECTION B ( Attempt Any FOUR Questions. Each program should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the program. This should be achieved by using mnemonic code and comments in the program. Each question carries 15 marks.) Question 5 Write a program to accept any string and sort the words in ascending order. Input :- Annual Cultural Program in Disari Output :- Annual Cultural Disari in Program 1 Sample Paper 5 Question 6 Input a number from keyboard and check whether it is DISARIUM or not. A number will be called DISARIUM if sum of its digits powered with their respective position is equal with the number itself. Sample Input: 135 Output : It is a DISARIUM (Workings 11+32+53 = 135, some other DISARIUM are 89, 175, 518 etc) Question 7 WAP to input an array that contains positive, negetive and zero. Swap the positive element at the beginning of the array followed by negetive without changing their sequence Sample input: 3, 5, -5, 7, 0, -2, -1, 4, 8, -3 Output: 3, 5, 7, 4, 8, 0, -5, -2, -1, -3 Question 8 Input a number and find nearest prime number of the same. Sample Input: 25 Sample Output: Nearest Prime number is 23 Question 9 Input a sentence (sen), a word to search (srchwrd) and another word to replace (repwrd). Find the occurrence of search keyword within the given string, finally display the sentence after replacing with the replace keyword. Also display its occurrences in number. Sample Input: Disari Public College is located in Haldia. It is co-ed residential cum day boarding College. Search Keyword: College Replace Keyword: School Sample Output : Disari Public School is located in Haldia. It is co-ed residential cum day boarding School. Question 10 Input a sentence and print the same after converting every alternate character to uppercase and immediate next character in lowercase except a space. [15] Eg.1: Input: Nasim Akhtar Output: NaSiM aKhTeR Eg. 2: Input: Output: Supriyo Bakshi SuPrIyO bAkShI ================= ALL THE BEST ================= 2
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