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ICSE Computer Applications Question Bank

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Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] Q1.Give the definition (1-2 Lines) and an example where applicable: Object An entity having specific characteristics(variables) and behaviour(Methods) Abstraction Hiding unnecessary details and presenting the required ones. Encapsulation Binding and wrapping up of methods and data members. Class Representation for a set of objects having common behaviour and characteristics. Byte code The java byte code is a machine language instruction set. The byte code is independent of the computer system it has to run upon. Native Executable Code A machine code program which can run on a specific platform (hardware/ software) only. JVM Set of Java programs (interpreter compiler etc.) which converts source code to byte code and is also responsible for executing the program. (JRE) Applet Internet Applets are small programs that are embedded in web pages and are run on the viewers machine (which are meant to run on the internet browser) Stand Alone Applications Meant to run on an independent machine. Inheritance When a class acquires properties of another class (may add a few of its own). Polymorphism Behaving differently under different situations. Having one name but many different shapes. Template/Design of a class. (Table of contents of a class) public interface in { int x=0,y=0; //vars are given int input(); //function are not defined int add(int x, int y); int display(); } class example implements in { } Interface KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 1 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] Class Object A super class of which all classes are sub(derive) by default. Source Code An uncompiled java program Object Code A machine language conversion of the source code. 2 types Applet, Stand alone applications. Recursion When a function calls itself public void abc() { abc(); } WORA Write Once, Run Anywhere (+ do a few more properties) IDE Integrated development Environment (E.g. Blue J) where we can type, edit, debug, run, organize etc. java programs. Compiler Which converts the all the source code to machine code before execution. (whole program) Interpreter Which converts and executes source code line by line. API Applications Programming Interface (Java Libraries) (inbuilt feature/packages) JRE Java Runtime Environment What JVM creates to run a Java program. Type Casting Writing a data type in () before a value, variable or an expression to change its type temporarily. Sop((char)65) Used in explicit type conversion. Suffixes D, L and F, for Double, long and float respectively. Substitutes for type casting and put after a literal. (3.14f) (Possible loss of precision) Type Compatibility Trying to assign a bigger data type to a smaller data type. RHS data type >= LHS data type. (This is why float f=3.14; doesn t work) Coercion Implicit (automatic/by default) type conversion Type Conversion Types Narrowing(Demotion), Widening(Promotion) KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 2 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] Done in 2 ways Implicit, Explicit. Object factory Class Immutable Which cannot be changed directly. (Needs to be overwritten, E.g Strings) Compound statement 2 or more statements in {}. Also called a block. Type Promotion Converting a data type to a higher data type. 2 types 1. Implicit automatically by the compiler 2. Explicit By the user using type casting. Unicode Two byte character code for multilingual characters. ASCII is a subset of Unicodes. ` Q2. Types of comments Single Line // Multi Line /* */ Documentation Comments Which are displayed by the IDE. The are multiline comments only given immediately before the function header. Q3. What are tokens? Name the 5 types of tokens available in Java with an example each. The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a token. The five types of tokens are- : a) Keywords:- public, static, void, import etc. (Java s own terms) b) Identifiers:- (variables) alphabets, digits, under score, dollar sign etc. c) Literals:- (Constants) integer literals, floating literals, boolean literals, character literals, string literal, the null literal. d) Punctuators (separators):- () {} [] ; , e) Operators = + < > Q4. What are escape sequences? Give any 5 escape sequences? Codes for non-graphic or some special characters. \t , \n , \b , \\ , \ , \ , \? Q5. ASCII codes? A-Z = 65-90, a-z=97-122, 0 - 9 =48-57 KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 3 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] Q6. Prepare a chart showing all the data types with their size and range. See table with answer 12. Q7. How can we declare a variable whose value cannot be changed in Java? If we write the final keyword before the variable name, then the value of that variable cannot be changed later in the program. Any attempt of doing so will produce a compilation error. final int a=5; Q8. On what do the shift and bitwise operators work in Java? Show the truth table for Exclusive OR. on binary equivalents, Note that a>>b = a / b2 and a<<b = a*b2 A B & | ^ xor F F F F F F T F T T T F F T T T T T T F Q9. Give the value (with reason) that the variable on the left hand side will hold in the following statements float a=(float)(21/2); int b=5 * 3/4 + 4/3 + 6; int c=100 + 10>10?10:20; float d= '1'+ '2'; int e= 20%7 / 2*3; a) float a= (float) (21/2); Output-: First integer division takes place= (float)(10). Then the answer is converted to floating type=10.0. b) int b= 5*3/4+4/3+6; Output-:First multiplication takes place=15/4+4/3+6. Then division=3+1+6.At last addition= 10. c) int c= 100+10>10?10:20; Output-:First addition takes place=110>10?10:20.Then ternary operator works and returns the answer= 10. d) float d= 1 + 2 ; Output-:The ASCII codes of these characters are added(49+50) and converted into floating type=99.0. e) int e= 20%7/2*3; Output-:First mod (6/2*3), then division(3*3) and at last multiplication= 9. Q10. Difference (i) & and && (ii) = and == (iii) >> different from >>>? & and && &/| && / || (bitwise) checks all the conditions (short circuit) checks till the ans is confirmed Can be applied to numbers No Sop( 5 & 6 ) Sop( 5 && 6 ) error KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 4 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus = Assignment Cannot be used as an expression Sop( a = 5 ); - Error [KP] == Relational (equality) Can be Sop( a == 5 ) ; Difference between >> and >>> Both are same for positive numbers But in case of negative numbers >>> brings the Sign bit in the number zone and produces a very Large number. System.out.println(10<<2); System.out.println(10>>2); System.out.println(10>>>2); System.out.println(-10>>2); System.out.println(-10>>>2); 40 2 2 -3 1073741821 Q11. Define (i)Precedence and Associativity (ii) Mixed/Fixed(pure expr.) mode? (i) Precedence : Order of evaluation (ii) Associativity : Order of evaluation when precedence is the same. (iii) Mixed Mode or Impure Expressions When operands are of different data types. (iv) Fixed mode or pure expressions When operands are of the same data type. Q12. Prepare a table showing operator Precedence and Associativity. Type Char Byte Short Int Long Float Size 2 1 2 4 8 4 Range 0 to 65536 (Unicodes) -128 to 127 -32768 to 32767 -2^31 to 2^31 -1 -2^63 to 2^63 -1 -3.4E+38 to +3.4E+38 (Prec-7) Double 8 -1.7E+308 to +1.7E+308 (Prec-16) Boolean 1 (only 1 bit is used) true/false * Order as above in implicit conversion in mixed mode. * Associativity L->R (Precedence in next column) ++x first ++ then use, x++ first use then ++. KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 5 of 25 []() ++ -- ! ~ inOf New */% +<< >> >>> <><=>===!= U A R & | ^ (Bitw.) && L || ?: C += etc. A Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus Q13. What are the three types of operators based on operands. Unary, Binary, Ternary Q14. Show the output of the following program if X & Y are integers. { int x=5; System.out.println(x++*2); // 5 System.out.println(++x*2); // 7 int y=x++ + ++x + x++ + ++x; // 7 9 9 11 System.out.println(y); x+= x++ + ++x; // 11 13 (WILL BE ADDED TO 11) = X becomes 35 System.out.println(x); System.out.println(x-- + " " + --x + " " + --x + " " + x--); // 35 33 32 32 System.out.println( Sum = +5+10); // Sum = 510 System.out.println( A +5); // 70 }// 10 14 36 35 35 33 32 32 Sum = 510 70 Q15. State the output with reason int i=1; for( ; i<=5; i+=2); System.out.println(i); Output- 7 Q16.Show one example each of Inifinity and NaN. System.out.println(5.0/0.0); System.out.println(Math.sqrt(-4)); Q17. What is the difference between the rint() and the round() function in Java? Math.rint() returns a double type value whereas Math.round() returns an integer type value. System.out.println(Math.rint(5.5)); System.out.println(Math.round(5.5)); 6.0 KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 6 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] 6 Note that rint() works with even numbers with .5 as floor() Q18. Explain the use with syntax If-else, switch, ?:, for, while, do-while if(condition) switch(var) (cond)?T:F Statement { case val: else break; Statement case val: default: } For(inti; cond; update) { body; } Init While(cond) { body; Update; } Q19. Display R-Red, B-Blue, G-Green or undefined char c='R'; //If if(c=='R') System.out.println("Red"); else if(c=='B') System.out.println("Blue"); else if(c=='G') System.out.println("Green"); else System.out.println("Undefined"); //Switch switch(c) { case 'R': System.out.println("Red"); break; case 'B': System.out.println("Blue"); break; case 'G': System.out.println("Green"); break; default: System.out.println("Undefined"); } // ?: System.out.println(c=='R'?"Red": c=='B'?"Blue": c=='G'?"Green" : "Undefined"); Q20. Three iteration constructs int f=1; int f=1; for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) int i=1; { f=f*i; while( i<=5) } { f=f*i; System.out.println(f); i++; } System.out.println(f); KP/ICSE2011/SectionA int f=1; int i=1; do { f=f*i; i++; }while( i<=5); System.out.println(f); Page 7 of 25 Init do { body; Update; } While(cond); Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus Q21. Expressions in Java Math.sin(Math.abs(c))+(1.0/2.0)*Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b,1.0/5.0)); Math.floor(a)+Math.max(b,c)/Math.log(c); Q22. Name the four programming constructs? Sequence All statements are executed sequentially. Selection A selected block/statement is executed. If, switch, ?:(opeartor) Iteration A block/statement is executed repeatedly. For, while, do-while Jump Which take the program control to some other point in the program. (break, continue) Q23. Compare if and ?:. If ?: 1 Statement Operator used in expressions 2 Else is optional False part compulsory 3 Body can have 1 expression more than 1 statement 4 Nesting possible Nesting complicated Q24. Compare if and switch. If 1 Can test many variables 2 Any data type 3 Can use <, > == != 4 Slower than switch 5 Else 6 No fallthrough Switch Only one variable Int, char Only checks equality Faster switch operation Default Fallthrough (if break is absent) Q25. What is fall-through and how can it be prevented? Execution of all the cases after the true case.(in the absence of break) By using break. Q26. Name the elements that control a loop. Initialization condition body counter. Q27. What are entry and exit controlled loops Entry controlled in which condition is tested before executing the body. E.g. for, While Exit controlled in which condition is tested after executing the body, this is why they run at least once. E.g. do-while. Q28. Compare the three types of loops with an example. For While KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 8 of 25 Do-while [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus Should be used if number of times are known for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { system.out.println(i); } Should be used if number of times are not known N=256; while(n>0) { System.out.println(n%10); n=n/10; } [KP] Should be used if the loop should execute at least one. ch=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); do{ switch(ch) { case 1: case 2: } While(c!=5); Differences Entry/Exit controlled, executed at least once Q29. Differentiate between ordinary and labeled break and continue. Just break and continue consider the loop in which they appear. Labeled break and continue can be made to consider the outer loop. for(int i=0; i<3; i++) outer:for(int i=0; i<3; i++) // outer is the label { for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { if(i==1) continue; // to j++ { if(i==1) continue outer; // to i++ if(j==1) break outer; // to point B if(j==1) break; // to point A } }//j System.out.println("Point A"); System.out.println("Point A"); } }//i System.out.println("Point B"); System.out.println("Point B"); } } Q30. Differentiate between a counter and a flag. Counter Used for counting (E.g count++, i++) Flag Usually used to test of a condition ever got true ( E.g. f=1 in sequential search) Control variable which controls a loop/switch etc. Q31. Define and call any example function and show the following parts Prototype, signature, access specifier, modifier, return type, formal argument, declaration, Definition, actual arguments, name, extended name, call Some terms related to functions are -: e.g. -: public static void function (int a, int b) { int c=a + b; System.out.print(c); }. a) Prototype-: The first line of a function is called its Prototype. For e.g. -: public static void function (int a, int b) b) Signature-: Signature of a function is the formal arguments of the ------ (int a, int b, int c) c) Access Specifier -: Access Specifiers are used to restrict access to the function or method. It is of following 3 types-private, protected & public. KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 9 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] d) Modifier -: Modifiers like static, transient, volatile tell us whether the function can be called without objects or not. e) Return type -: They tells us the type of value returned by the function like void function returns no value, but integer function returns integer value, double as double and so on. f) Formal argument-: Formal arguments or Formal parameters are the arguments given during function definition like public static void function (int a)- Formal argument. g) Declaration-: same as Prototype. h) Body-: Body of a function are the statements given inside parenthesis. It is actually the processing part of the function e.g.i) Statements-: same as body. j) Header-: same as prototype. (k) Definition: Header+Body (l) Extended Name: Function name + Signature Q32. Write example programs showing the difference between call by value and reference? public class ValueRef1 { private static void function(int a)//formal arg { System.out.println("Function = " +a); a+=10; System.out.println("Function = " +a); } public static void main() { int a=5; System.out.println("Main = " +a); function(a);//actual arg System.out.println("Main = " +a); } } public class ValueRef2 { private static void function(int a[]) { System.out.println("Function = " +a[0]); a[0]++; System.out.println("Function = " +a[0]); } public static void main() { int a[]={5}; System.out.println("Main = " +a[0]); function(a); System.out.println("Main = " +a[0]); } } KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 10 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus public class ValueRef3 { private static void function(String a) { System.out.println("Function = " +a); a=a.concat("DE"); System.out.println("Function = " +a); } public static void main() { String a=new String("ABC");//String is a class //String a="ABC"; System.out.println("Main = " +a); function(a); System.out.println("Main = " +a); } } public class ValueRef4 { private static void function(StringBuffer a) { System.out.println("Function = " +a); a.append("DE");//like the concat fn' System.out.println("Function = " +a); } public static void main() { StringBuffer a=new StringBuffer("ABC"); System.out.println("Main = " +a); function(a); System.out.println("Main = " +a); } } class change { int a,b; void swap(int x, int y) { int t=x; x=y; y=t; } void swap(change obj) { int t=obj.a; obj.a=obj.b; obj.b=t; KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 11 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] } public static void main() { int x=5, y=10; change obj=new change(); System.out.println(x+" "+y); obj.swap(x,y); System.out.println(x+" "+y); obj.a=5; obj.b=10; System.out.println(obj.a+" "+obj.b); obj.swap(obj); System.out.println(obj.a+" "+obj.b); } } Q33. What is the difference between call by value and reference and what decides it? Changes made in formal arguments are reflected in the calling function in call by reference and not in call by value. This is because in call by value a different copy of the variable is maintained in the computer s memory but the memory is shared in call by reference. The argument type decides the type of call. Primitive types are called by value whereas reference types (Arrays, classes, objects and interfaces) are called by reference. This is also called pass by value or reference. Q34. What is the difference between pure and impure functions? Impure functions change the state of an object i.e. the values of instance variables. They are also called mutators or setters. Pure functions do not change any instance variable (may change a local variable). They are also called accessors or getters. Q35. What is function overloading? What things should be kept in mind while overloading a function? Defining more than 1 function with the same name. Different Signature. Void add(int a, int b), Void add(int a, int b, int c); Q36. Function prototypes (a) int change(char c) (b) double calc(String name, int age) (c) System.out.println(name.substring(name.lastIndexOf( )+1).length()); Q37. What is a constructor? Give its properties. How do we declare/ define it? Can they be overloaded? A function with the same name as that of a class. KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 12 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] Properties 1. same name 2. no return type 3. used to initialize 4. called automatically 5. should be public 6. Provided by the compiler if we don t define. Class-name() { initialization of instance variables) } Yes, it can be overloaded. Q38. Default values Values given to variables by java. Given only to instance variables. Q39. Name and give an example of the types of constructors. Class A( { int x,y; A() //Default constructor { x=0, y=0; } A(int a, int b) //Parameterized constructor { x=a; y=b; } } Q40. Show how is a parameterized constructor is passed values. (show an object creation statement) Passed values when an object is created. A obj=new A(10, 20); Q41. When will you need to use this keyword inside a constructor? Show by example. Use 1: When the formal argument or any local variable has the same name as that of the instance variable. Class A( { int x,y; A(int x, int y) //Parameterized constructor { this.x=x; this.y=y; } } Use 2: If we have to call a constructor from another. Class A( { int x,y; A() { this(0,0); KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 13 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus } A(int x, int y) //Parameterized constructor { this.x=x; this.y=y; } } Q41(b). Differences See constructor properties. Q42. Define QUAD obj=new QUAD(5.0, 10.0); Q43. What are temporary instances? Show an example too in your answer. Object created using new but not stored. new A(1,2); Q44. Destructor Runs when an object is removed from the computers memory. Q45. What are (i) Composite data types (i) Composed of other data types (ii) Created by the user. (ii) User defined data types. Q46. How is the size of a composite data type determined? By adding the sizes of its constituent members. E.g. class class A { int x,y; boolean b; } Size of class A : 4 + 4 + 1 = 9 Bytes Q47. Give five differences between composite and primitive data types. Composite Primitive 1 Contain other types Independent 2 Variable size Fixed Size 3 new always required Only for an array 4 Available where defined Available everywhere 5 Can have functions too No Q48. Mark (i) Declaration (ii) Instatiation & (iii) Initialization in the following statement A obj = new A(5,7); A obj decl. KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 14 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] new inst. A(5,7);- init. Q49. What is meant by Null Reference? An object declared but not instantiated. A obj; - Obj has null reference Q50. How can we access methods and variables of a class outside the class? By creating objects and writing their name after obj. . Q51. What are access specifiers? Draw a table showing all the access specifiers and their accessibility in the class, package, subclasses and other packages. Access Specifier Private Public Protected Package Friendly Default Same Package (In another class of the same program using objects) N Y Y Y Subclasses (derived) (In another class of the same program using inheritance) N Y Y Y Other Package (using import) Subclasses (derived) in other package N Y N N N Y Y N Q52. What are static variables/methods? What is the other name given to them? Which are declared using the modifier static before them. (i) Can be accessed using the class name (object not required) and (ii) have just one copy in the memory. (change in 1 object will change all) Class variables, Class Method. Q53. Define a Stream? Differentiate between a byte oriented and a character oriented stream. Stream Flow of bytes (Source or destination of bytes also called Input streams or output streams) Byte oriented 101010100 (Scanner) Character oriented ABCDE (Keyboard) Q54. Name the three types of errors. Syntax Grammatical errors for( i=1, i<10 : i++] Logical if(n%2==5) Runtime Which occur due to wrong data. c=a/b; (ok but will give an error in b is zero) KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 15 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] s.substring(x,y); - error if x or y are negative or y<x. Also called Exception. Q55. What is exception-handling? What is its advantage? What are the statements used for it? Show the keywords used for it in an example. Exception means a run time error. When an exception occurs the program is terminated in between only. If we perform exception handling (using try & catch) then the program control goes to the catch block and continues running even if an exception occurs. The advantage is that the program doesn t terminate. This is also called Fault tolerance . public static void example() { int a[]={11,12,33,54,55}; try{ for(int i=0; i<=5; i++) { System.out.println(a[i]); } } catch(Exception e) {} System.out.println("End of program"); }//eg1 (b) What is the importance of throw and finally in exception handling? Throw Send the program control to the catch block (without an error) Finally A special catch block which is always executed. Q56. Name some predefined exceptions in Java? What can they be used for? ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException, NumberFormatExcpetion, ArithmeticExcpetion... These can be used to overload the catch block. We can write a separate catch block for each exception. Q57. What are wrapper classes? What is its advantage? Comment on their names. Give some e.g. functions? Class equivalent of a primitive data type.(which wraps a primitive data type) More functions Same as that of the primitive data type but starts with a capital letter. (but Integer, Character) parseInt(), parseFloat(), toString() Q58. How are Strings different from StringBuffers? Name a few StringBuffer functions too. String String Buffer 1 Call by value Call by reference 2 Different set of functions Different set of functions 3 Does not change directly Changes directly KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 16 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus s= ABC ; s.concat( DE ); System.out.println(s); S=s.concat( DE ); System.out.println(s); s= ABC ; s.append( DE ); System.out.println(s); Few string buffer functions append(), reverse(), setLength(), setCharAt(), insert(), delete() (ii) When is a StringTokenizer useful? String Tokenizer is useful for word by word processing import java.util.*; public class example { public static void main() { StringTokenizer s=new StringTokenizer("This is an example line"); //Token means a word System.out.println(s.countTokens()); while(s.hasMoreTokens()) { System.out.println(s.nextToken()); } }//main }//class Q59. Differentiate between the .equals() and .compareTo() functions. .equals() .compareTo() 1 only checks for equality Also checks for <, > 2 Returns a Boolean value Returns an integer s1>s2 Positive value s1<s2 Negative value s1==s2 - Zero Q60. What do you understand by chaining of calls? Show an example. Calling function calls in succession using the dot operator. System.out.println(s.concat("te").concat("rs").concat(".")); Will display Computers. if s is Compu originally. Q61. What is a package? Name some predefined packages in Java. A collection of classes. graphics, awt, applet, net, swing, lang, io. Q62. Which package is imported by default? Name some classes inside it. lang. String, Integer, Character, Math... Q63. Show an example of creating and another of using a user defined package. Creating: KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 17 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] package myPack; (at the top of any program) Using import mypack.*; (at the top of any program) (b) what does a * mean in an import statement? Import all the classes of the package. Q64. Differentiate between Scanner and BufferedReader class input Scanner BR Util IO throws not required required InputStreamReader not required required next() read() no parsing required required Q65. Use of PrintWriter class? It is an alternative for printing. It is in io package and hast 2 functions print() and println(). E.g. PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(System.out, true); //(true print immediately) pw.println( ABC ); Q66. Differentiate between scope and visibility. Scope and Visibility: Scope means if a variable is accessible or not whereas visibility means if the variable is directly(without using this etc.) accessible or not. Q67. Show an example of inheritance. (It is defined above). Name its 5 types. Class A { int x, y; } Class B extends A { int z; } Now B will own x,y and z because of the extends keyword. 5 types- single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, hybrid. Q68. Base Super Which gives Derived Sub Which receives. Q69. Abstract class? A class used only as a base class and never instantiated. Q70. What is an Array? A collection of values/variables of the same type. KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 18 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus [KP] Q71. What are out of bound subscripts? (ii) Initializer list? Indexes below 0 or >= array s length. { ... } Q72. Differentiate the two searching and sorting methods. Sorting Bubble Selection 1 Greatest value goes to the end Smallest comes to the beginning. 2 Matches two consecutive elements Matches an element with all 3 Swapping inside the inner loop Swapping outside the inner loop Searching Linear Binary 1 Checks all elements sequentially. Starts matching with the middle element 2 Array need not be sorted. Array should be sorted. 3 Matching range reduces by one Matching range halves every time every time only values of the following array after 2 passes of (i) Bubble sort (ii) Selection Sort. - 9 7 6 4 3 1 (i) 6 4 3 1 7 9 (ii) 1 3 6 4 7 9 Q73. Ans:- long a[]={5, 12, 100, -99999, 0L }; 5x8 bytes=40 Bytes. Q74. Shape obj[]=new Shape[10]; Q75. What is the lvalue of an array. The memory address where the array is stored in the RAM. (Value inside a variable is called the rvalue) Q76. Give 2 characteristics of the Java programming language. WORA, Object oriented, Platform independent, Light weight, Heavily Facilitated. END KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 19 of 25 Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus 11 Output Questions public static void Q1() { int n=9; if(n<10)System.out.println(n++); if(n>10 || n<20) System.out.println(n++); else n+=10; System.out.println(n); }//Q1 9 10 11 public static void Q2() { int i=0, a,b,c; a=b=c=0; for(i=1; i<=5; i++) { switch(i) { case 1: a++; case 2: default: case 3: b++; case 6: break; } System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c); } }//Q2 110 120 130 140 150 public static void Q3() { int i=0, s=1; for(i=1; i<=3; i++); s=s+i++; System.out.println(s+" "+i); }//Q3 55 KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 20 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus public static void Q4() { int n=1, f=1; while(n<=4) f*=n++; System.out.println(f); }//Q4 24 public static void Q5() { int a=5, b=3; do{ a-=++b; System.out.println(a +" "+ b); }while (a>0); }//Q5 14 -4 5 public static void Q6() { int a=5+2*2/7%3; double b=10/100*25; double c=25*10/100; double d=25*.1; System.out.println(a); System.out.println(b); System.out.println(c); System.out.print(d); }//Q6 5 0.0 2.0 2.5 public static void Q7() { System.out.println(Math.pow(27,1.0/3.0)); System.out.println(Math.sqrt(4)); System.out.println(Math.ceil(20.001)); System.out.println(Math.floor(128.0)); System.out.println(Math.rint(25.49)); System.out.println(Math.round(15.456)); System.out.println(Math.abs(12.75)); System.out.println(Math.ceil(-3.3)); System.out.println(Math.floor(-7.5)); System.out.println(Math.rint(-3.14)); System.out.println(Math.round(-15.456)); System.out.println(Math.abs(-12.75)); KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 21 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus System.out.println(Math.max(1,2)); System.out.println(Math.min(1.0,2.0)); } 3.0 2.0 21.0 128.0 25.0 15 12.75 -3.0 -8.0 -3.0 -15 12.75 2 1.0 public static void Q8() { int a=5, b=10, c=0; c=a++ * ++b; System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c); c=a++ * 2 + 2 * a++ ; System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c); c=b++ + ++b + b++; System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c); a+=a++ + ++a; b+=++b + b++; System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c); a=100; b=200; c=0; c=a+b>200?1:2; System.out.println(c); c=a>b?a:b/a<b?a:b; System.out.println(c); System.out.println(a>b?"ABC":"XYZ"); } 6 11 55 8 11 26 8 14 37 26 44 37 1 100 XYZ KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 22 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus public static void Q9() { int a=5, b=7; System.out.println("Sum = "+a+b); System.out.println("Pro = "+a*b); System.out.println(a+b+" = Sum"); System.out.println(5 + a>b?a:b); char c='A'; System.out.println(c+a); c+=5; System.out.println(c); System.out.println(c--); System.out.println(++c); System.out.println('A'-'a'); System.out.println(90+b); } Sum = 57 Pro = 35 12 = Sum 5 70 F F F -32 97 public static void Q10() { String s="CANARA BANK"; System.out.println(s.indexOf(s.charAt(8))); System.out.println(s.compareTo("bank")); System.out.println(s.equals(("canara").concat("bank"))); System.out.println(s.substring(3,6)); System.out.println(s.toLowerCase()); s.replace("CANARA", "PUNJAB"); System.out.println(s.startsWith("PUNJAB")); System.out.println(s); char c='\''; System.out.println(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)); c='\n'; System.out.println(Character.isWhitespace(c)); c='A'; System.out.println(Character.toUpperCase(c)); } KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 23 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus 1 -31 false ARA canara bank false CANARA BANK false true A public static void Q11() { int a[]={1,2,3,4,5}; for(int i=0; i<a.length-1; i++) a[i]=a[i+1]; for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++) System.out.print(a[i]+" "); System.out.println(); for(int i=a.length-1; i>0; i--) a[i-1]=a[i]; for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++) System.out.print(a[i]+" "); } 23455 55555 }//class Conversion Questions if to switch { if(n==1 || n==2) System.out.println("Good"); else if(n==3) System.out.println("Fair"); else System.out.println("Poor"); KP/ICSE2011/SectionA if to the ternary operator { if(n>m) { s=n/m; m++; } else { s=m/n; n++; Page 24 of 25 [KP] Java: ICSE 2012 Theory questions and answers covering the entire syllabus } [KP] } } switch(n) { case 1: case 2: System.out.println("Good"); break; case 3: System.out.println("Fair"); break; default: System.out.println("Poor"); } for to do-while { for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { System.out.println(i*i); } } int i=1; do { System.out.println(i*i); i++; } while(i<=5); s=n>m? n/m++ : m/n++; if to ternary { if(a>b) if(a>c) g=a; else g=c; else if(b>c) g=b; else g=c; } g= a>b? (a>c?a:b) : (b>c?b:c); while to for { count=0; n=256; while(n>0) { d=n%10; count++; n/=10; } } switch to ternary { switch(n%2) { case 0: System.out.println("Even"); break; default:System.out.println("Odd"); } } count=0; for(n=256; n>0; n/=10) { d=n%10; count++; } System.out.println(n%2==0? Even : Odd ); KP/ICSE2011/SectionA Page 25 of 25

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