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ICSE Notes 2017 : Physics (De Paul School, Berhampur)

12 pages, 215 questions, 188 questions with responses, 310 total responses,    1    0
Ashutosh Rath
De Paul School, Berhampur
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LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS DATE : 11 MARCH Memorise and write all formulae and basic concepts FORCE 1. Momentum = mass velocity ; p = mv 2. Force = mass acceleration ; F = ma 3. Impulse = Force (large) time (small) = F t 4. Change in momentum = mass change in velocity; p = m v 5. The force due to gravity ; F = mg 6. Equations of motion v = u + at (ii) 1 1 s (u v) t ut at 2 2 2 2 (iii) v = u + 2 as Relationship between newton and dyne : 1 N = 105 dynes 9. Kilogramme-force (kgf) : 10. Moment of force = Force Perpendicular distance of the line of action of force from axis of rotation; = F d 11. Moment of couple = either force perpendicular distance between the two forces; = F d 12. In equilibrium position, According to principle of moment : Sum of anticlockwise = Sum of clockwise moments moments. 1 kgf = 9.8 N WORK, POWER & ENERGY - 1. Work = Force Displacement of the point of application of the force in the directioin of force; W = F d cos 2. Relationship between Joule and Erg : 1 J = 107 ergs. 3. Bigger units of work : 1 kilo joule (k.j.) = 103 J ; 1 Mega joule (M.J.) = 106 J ; 1 giga-joule = 109 J 4. Bigger units of power : (a) 1 Kilowatt (K.W.) = 103 W ; (b) 1 Mega watt (M.W.) = 106 W ; (c) 1 Giga watt (G.W.) = 109 W ; (d) 1 Horse power (H.P.) = 746 W 5. Work done by the force of gravity; W = mgh 6. Power = Time taken ; P = t Work done TIWARI TUTORIALS Relationship between Power, Force and Velocity Power = Force Velocity; P = F v W Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 1 1 (mass) (velocity)2 = mv2 2 2 8. Kinetic energy = 9. Potential energy = (mass) (acceleration due to gravity) (height) ; P.E. = mgh 10. By the law of conservation of energy : P.E. = K.E. 1 mv2 2 mgh = 2gh = v2 11. Relationship between kinetic energy K and Momentum p p 2 m K or K p 2 / 2 m 12. According to Work energy theorem, work done = change in kinetic energy 1gf = 980 dynes T IWARI TUTORIALS Gramme-force (gf) : T IWARI TUTORIALS 8. T IWARI TUTORIALS 7. TIWARI TUTORIALS 2 T IWARI TUTORIALS (i) T IWARI TUTORIALS 4 7 PM : FORCE, WORK POWER AND ENERGY T IWARI TUTORIALS We hope your today s paper would be excellent. 1:30 - 4:00 PM - relax lunch and sleep. 7. TIWARI TUTORIALS W 1 1 mv f 2 mvi 2 2 2 IF TIME IS LEFT REVISE ALL THE SOLVED EXAMPLES OF TEXT BOOK NOW DO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FORCE Q.1. What is the weight of a body placed at the centre of the earth? Q.2. Give any two effects of a force on a non-rigid body. Q.3. One end of a spring is kept fixed while the other end is stretched by a force as shown in the diagram. F (i) (ii) Fixed end Copy the diagram and mark on it the direction of the restoring force. Name one instrument which works on the above principle. Q.4. The position of the centre of gravity of a body remains unchanged even when the body is deformed. State whether the statement is true or false. Q.5. With reference to their direction of action, how does Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 1 LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS Q.11. If m is the mass of the body, v its velocity and p the momentum, then write a relationship between change in momentum, mass and velocity of the body when (i) v is almost equal to the velocity of light, c. (ii) v is very, very less as compared to the velocity of light, c. Q.12. Name the S.I. unit of (i) Linear momentum Rate of change of momentum. (ii) WORK, POWER & ENERGY Q.1. Q.2. Q.3. Q.4. Q.5. Q.6. Q.7. Q.8. Calculate the change in Kinetic Energy of a moving body if its velocity is reduced to 1/3 rd of the initial velocity. A girl of mass 35 kg climbs up from the first floor of a building at a height 4 m above the ground to the third floor at a height 12 m above the ground. What will be the increase in her gravitational potential energy? (g=10 ms 2). Name the form of energy which a body may possess even when it is not in motion. A ball of mass 200 g falls from a height 5 m. What will be its kinetic energy when it just reaches the ground? (g = 9.8 ms 2) Draw a diagram to show the energy changes in an oscillating simple pendulum. Indicate in your diagram how the total mechanical energy in it remains constant during the oscillation. What is the SI unit of energy? How is the electron volt (eV) related to it? State the energy changes that take place in the following when they are in use : (i)a photovoltaic cell. (ii) an electromagnet When an arrow is shot from a bow it has kinetic TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 T IWARI TUTORIALS energy in it. Explain briefly from where does it get its kinetic energy? Q.9. What is the main energy transformation that occurs in : (i) Photosynthesis in green leaves ; (ii) Charging of a battery. Q.10. Calculate the height through which a body of mass 0.5 kg should be lifted if the energy spent for doing so is 1.0 joule. ( g = 10ms-2 ) IF TIME IS LEFT REVISE ALL THE SOLVED EXAMPLES OF TEXT BOOK DATE : 12 MARCH Memorise and write all formulae and basic concepts MACHINE, REFRACTION, LENS, SPECTRUM MACHINES T IWARI TUTORIALS Q.10. A man can open a nut by applying a force of 150 N by using a lever handle of length 0.4m. What should be the length of the handle if he is able to open it by applying a force of 60N? T IWARI TUTORIALS Q.9. Where does the position of centre of gravity lie for (i) a circular lamina (ii) a triangular lamina? T IWARI TUTORIALS Q.8. Write the relation between S.I. unit and C.G.S. unit of force. T IWARI TUTORIALS Q.7. Which of the following remains constant in uniform circular motion : Speed or velocity or both? 1. Mechanical Advantage(M.A.) = 2. Velocity Ratio (V.R.) = VE VL load effort = L E = effort arm load arm displacement of effort of load = displacement dE = d L 3. Work Input = Effort x displacement of effort = E x dE 4. Work Output = Total load x displacement of load = L xdL 5. Efficiency 6. Mechanical Advantage = Velocity Ratio Efficiency = or work output work input = bg power output power input Efficiency = M . A. V.R Length of inclined plane l Height of inclined h 7. M.A. of inclined plane = 8. = plane 9. V.R. = 1 Velocity ratio of pulley system = No. of pulleys = n No. of rotation per sec of driving gear (n A) = No. of rotation per sec of driven gear (n B) = = sin rB NB rA NA where rA and rB the radii of the driving and driven wheels respectively. NA and NB are the number of teeth in driving gear and driven gear respectively 10. Gain in torque (or turning effect) = TIWARI TUTORIALS Q.6. How does the distance of separation between two bodies affect the magnitude of the non-contact force between them? T IWARI TUTORIALS a centripetal force differ from a centrifugal force? TIWARI TUTORIALS number of teeth in driven gear (N B) number of teeth in driving gear (N A) 11. Gain in speed = = Speed of rotation of driven wheel (n B) Speed of rotation of driving wheel (nA) Number of teeth in driving wheel (N A) Number of teeth in driven wheel (N B) 12. M.A., V.R. and of a single fixed pulley : M.A. = 1 Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 2 13. M.A., V.R. and of a single movable pulley : M.A. = 2 V.R. = 2 = 1 or 100% 14. M.A., V.R. and of one fixed pulley used with other movable pulley; M.A. = 2n V.R. = 2n = 1 or 100% where n = no. of movable pulleys 16. Effect of weight of pulleys on M.A., V.R. and : w E V.R. = n w = 1 nE Where w = total weight of pulleys and frame in the lower block, n = no. of pulleys in both blocks. REFRACTION THROUGH PLANE SURFACE - = 2. Relationship between velocity, wavelength and frequency; v = f 3. By the principle of reversibility of light : a b = 1 b a 4. Formula for refractive indices for three media : a w g a = 1 w g 5. Relationship between refractive index and critical angle: 1 = = cosec ic, where iC is the critical angle. sin ic TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 T IWARI TUTORIALS velocity of light in vacuum or air velocity of light in an optical medium Real depth Apparent depth T IWARI TUTORIALS sin i 1. Refractive index ( ) = sin r = TIWARI TUTORIALS 6. Relationship between i, e, A and : i +e = A + where, i = angle of incidence, e = angle of emergence, A = angle of prism, = angle of deviation 7. In the minimum deviation position i = e and = min. Then eqn i+e = A + becomes min = 2i A. REFRACTION THROUGH LENS Size of Image Size of Object Distance of image from lens = Distance of object from lens 1. Magnification of lens = m i.e. 2. Power of lens, P = = I v O u 1 focal length ( in metre ) 100 focal length ( in centimetre ) i.e. p 1 f inm b g SPECTRUM - 1. The speed (c), frequency ( f ) and wavelength of the electromagnetic waves are related as : c = f . 2. Intensity of scattered radiation 1 / 4 NOW DO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS MACHINES 1. 2. 3. TIWARI TUTORIALS M.A. = n T IWARI TUTORIALS T IWARI TUTORIALS 15. M.A., V.R. and for a block & tackle system : M.A. = n V.R. = n = 1 or 100% T IWARI TUTORIALS V.R. = 1 = 1 or 100% T IWARI TUTORIALS LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS 4. A type of single pulley is very often used as a machine even though it does not give any gain in mechanical advantage. (i) Name the type of pulley used. (ii) For what purpose is such a pulley used? (i) In what way does an Ideal machine differ from a Practical machine? (ii) Can a simple machine act as a force multiplier and a speed multiplier at the same time? Which class of lever found in the human body is being used by a body(i) when he holds a load on the palm of his hand (ii) when he raises the weight of his body on his toes? Under what condition will a set of gears produce (i) a gain in speed 5. (ii) a gain in torque With reference to the terms mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of a machine, name the term that will Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 3 7. 8. You are given four pulleys and three strings. Draw a neat and labelled diagram to use them so as to obtain a maximum mechanical advantage equal to 8. In your diagram mark the directions of load, effort and tension in each strand. What assumptions have you made to obtain the required mechanical advantage? Draw a diagram of a block and tackle system of pulleys having a velocity ratio of 5. In your diagram indicate clearly the points of application and the directions of the load and effort. Also mark tension in each strand. REFRACTION THROUGH PLANE SURFACE 1. 2. 3. Can the absolute refractive index of a medium be less than one? Does the depth of a tank of water appear to change or remain the same when viewed normally from above? In the diagram below, PQ is a ray of light incident on a rectangular glass block. (i) Copy the diagram and complete the path of the ray of light through the glass block. In your diagram, mark the angle of incidence by letter i and the angle of emergence by the letter e . (ii) How are the angles i and e related to each other? P Q 4. Write a relation between the angle of incidence (i), angle of emergence (e), angle of prism (A) and angle of deviation (d) for a ray of light passing through an equilateral prism. 5. A ray of light strikes the surface of a rectangular glass block such that the angle of incidence is (i) 00 (ii) 420. Sketch a diagram to show the approximate path taken by the ray in each case as it passes through the glass block and emerges from it. 6. State the conditions required for total internal reflection of light to take place. 7. How does the value of angle of deviation produced by a prism change with an increase in the : TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 T IWARI TUTORIALS Draw a labelled diagram of the arrangement and show clearly the directions of all the forces acting on it. (ii) What change can be made in the movable pulley of this system to increase the mechanical advantage of the system? T IWARI TUTORIALS (i) T IWARI TUTORIALS A pulley system comprises two pulleys, one fixed and the other movable. T IWARI TUTORIALS 6. T IWARI TUTORIALS not change for a machine of a given design.Define the term stated by you as above. T IWARI TUTORIALS LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS (i) value of angle of incidence (ii) wave-length of incident light? 8. (i) A monochromatic beam of light of wavelength passes from air into a glass block. Write an expression to show the relation between the speed of light in air and the speed of light in glass. (ii) As the ray of light passes from air to glass,state how the wavelength of light changes. Does it increases, decrease or remain constant? 9. (i) 10. (i) 11. If a ray of light passes from medium I to II without any change of direction, what can be said about the refractive indices of these media (angle i is not 0)? Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate (1) critical angle(2) total internal reflection, for a ray of light moving from one medium to another. (ii) Write a formula to express the relationship between refractive index of the denser medium with respect to rarer medium and its critical angle for that pair of media. With the help of a well-labelled diagram show that the apparent depth of an object, such as a coin, in water is less than its real depth. (ii) How is the refractive index of water related to the real depth and the apparent depth of a column of water? REFRACTION THROUGH LENS Q1. You are provided with a printed piece of paper. Using this paper how will you differentiate between a convex lens and a concave lens? Q2. When does a ray of light falling on a lens pass through it undeviated? Q3. Which lens can produce a real and inverted image of an object? Q4. A linear object is placed on the axis of a lens. An image is formed by refraction in the lens. For all positions of the object on the axis of the lens, the positions of the image are always between the lens and the object. (i) Name the lens (ii) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image of an object placed infront of the lens at any position of your choice except inifinity. Q5. The given ray diagram illustrates the experimental set up for the determination of the focal length of a converging lens using a plane mirror. Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 4 LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X (i) State the magnification of the image formed. (ii) Write two characteristics of the image formed. SPECTRUM Q1. Name the radiations : (i) that are used for photography at night. (ii) used for detection of fracture in bones. Q2. Which characteristic property of light is responsible for the blue colour of the sky? Q3. Suggest one way, in each case, by which we can detect the presence of : (i) Infrared radiations (ii) Ultraviolet radiations. Q4. (i) Why is white light considered to be polychromatic in nature? (ii) Give the range of the wavelength of those electromagnetic waves which are visible to us. IF TIME IS LEFT REVISE ALL THE SOLVED EXAMPLES OF TEXT BOOK DATE : 13 MARCH Memorise and write all formulae and basic concepts T IWARI TUTORIALS T IWARI TUTORIALS An object is placed in front of a converging lens at a distance greater than twice the focal length of the lens. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image. T IWARI TUTORIALS (iii) What is the name given to the distance between the object and optical centre of the lens in the given diagram ? Q6. T IWARI TUTORIALS SOUND, CURRENT ELECRTRICITY, HOUSEHOLD SOUND - 4. Relation between frequency of stretched string when all other variables are constant. V = f f1 f2 1 f l f1 l f2l2 f1 f f (i) Except length (ii) Except tension 2 (iii) Except mass per unit length TIWARI TUTORIALS 2d t T IWARI TUTORIALS 2. Relationship between velocity, frequency and wavelength of sound 3. Relation between two waves of different wavelengths and frequency, V= T1 T2 f1 M2 1 f f2 M1 M Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 TIWARI TUTORIALS 1. Relationship between the reflecting body, time for hearing echo and velocity of sound TIWARI TUTORIALS (iv) Except radius of string T IWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS (v) Except density of wire 1 r2 f1 f r r1 f2 1 f1 f d f2 5. Relation between intensity of sound and amplitude I d1 I (Amplitude)2 6. Relation between intensity of sound and distance of source of sound from observer. d2 1 (Distance)2 CURRENT ELECTRICITY 1. I is the current in Amp ; Q is charge in coulombs and t is time in second Q 1. I = t 2. V is p.d. in volts ; W is work in joules and Q is charge in coulombs. 3. R is resistance in ohms ; is specific resistance (in ohm-metre). l is length in metres and a is the area of crosssection (in m2). Q 3. R = 4. R1 and R 2 are the resistance of conductors and l1 and l2 are the lengths of conductors respectively. 4. R1 = R2 R1 5. R1 and R 2 are the resistance of conductors and a1 and a2 are the area of the cross-section respectively. 5. 6. I is the current in Amp; V is the p.d. in volts and R is resistance in ohms. 6. I = 7. I is the current in Amp; E is e.m.f. in volts ; R is the external resistance in ohms and r is the internal resistance in ohms. = R2 l1 l2 a2 a1 R E R+r R(E - V) 8. r = 9. r = l a V 7. I = 8. r is the internal resistance of cell, R is the external resistance of circuit ; E is the e.m.f. of cell and V is the p.d. 9. r is the internal resistance of cell ; E is the e.m.f. V is the p.d. and I is current. 10. (E - V); the drop in potential is the product of current and internal resistance. 11. R is the total resistance in series; whereas r1, r2 and r3 are individual resistance in parallel. 12. R is the total resistance in parallel and r 1, r 2, r 3 etc. are individual resistances in parallel. W 2. V = V E-V I 10. E - V = I.r 11. R = r1 + r2 + r3 (in series) I 12. R I = Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 r1 I + r2 + I r3 (in parallel) 5 LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS in volts. (b) W = VIt I is current in Amp; V is p.d. in volts; t is time in seconds 2 I is current in Amp. R is resistance in ; (c) W = I .Rt t is time in sec. (d) W = V 2t R V is p.d. in volts; t is time in seconds; R is resistance in (e) E(kwh) = P (w) t (h) n (days) 1000 2. Electric Power (a) P = QV/t Q is charge in coulombs; V is p.d. in volts; t is time in seconds. (b) P = Vi I is current in Amp; V is p.d. in volts. V2 R V is p.d in volts; R is resistance in ohms (d) P = I2R I is current in Amp; R is resistance in ohms (c) P = T IWARI TUTORIALS Q is the charge in coulombs ; V is p.d. T IWARI TUTORIALS (a) W = VQ T IWARI TUTORIALS 1. Electric Work or Electric energy : T IWARI TUTORIALS HOUSE HOLD - TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 T IWARI TUTORIALS Q1. (a) What is the principle on which SONAR is based? (b) What is meant by terms (i) amplitude (ii) frequency, of a wave? Q2. Name one factor which affects the frequency of sound emitted due to vibrations in air column. Q3. (i) Three musical instruments give out notes at the freqencies listed as: Flute : 400 Hz; Guitar : 200 Hz; Trumpet : 500 Hz. Which one of these has the highest pitch? (ii) With which of the following frequencies does a tuning fork of 256 Hz resonate? 288Hz, 314 Hz, 333Hz, 512 Hz. Q4. Name the type of waves which are used for sound ranging. Q5. Calculate the minimum distance at which a person should stand in front of reflecting surface so that he can hear a distinct echo. (Take speed of sound in air = 350 m s-1.) [Ans.:17.5 m] Q6. A radar sends a signal to an aeroplane at a distance 45km away with a speed of 3 x 108 ms-1. After how long is the signal received back from the aeroplane? [Ans. : 3x10-4s] Q7. Explain why musical instruments like the guitar are provided with a hollow box. Q8. When a tuning fork, struck by a rubber pad, is held over a length of air column in a tube, it produces a loud sound for a fixed length of the air column. (i) Name the above phenomenon. (ii) How does the frequency of the loud sound compare with that of the tuning fork? (iii) State the unit for measuring loudness. Q9. Mention two properties of a wave : one property which varies and the other which remains constant when the wave passes from one medium to another. Q10. State any two ways by which the frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched string can be decreased. CURRENT ELECTRICITY Q1. A metal wire of resistance 6 is stretched so that its length is increased to twice its original length. Calculate its new resistance. Q2. (i) State Ohm s Law. (ii) Diagrammatically illustrate how you would connect a key, a battery, a voltmeter, an ammeter, an unknown resistance R and a rheostat so that it can be used to verify the above law. Q3. Three resistors of 6.0 , 2.0 and 4.0 respectively are joined together as shown in the figure. The resistors are connected to an ammeter and to a cell of e.m.f. 6.0 V. Calculate : (i) the effective resistance of the circuit. (ii) the current drawn from the cell. [Ans.: 3.43 , 1.75 A] A 6.0 V R1 = 6.0 R3 = 4.0 R2 =4.0 Q4. A cell of e.m.f. 1.5 V and internal resistance 1.0 is connected to two resistors of 4.0 and 20.0 in series as shown in the figure: E=1.5V TIWARI TUTORIALS SOUND - T IWARI TUTORIALS NOW DO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TIWARI TUTORIALS r=1 4 20 Calculate the: Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 6 T IWARI TUTORIALS T IWARI TUTORIALS T IWARI TUTORIALS T IWARI TUTORIALS LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS (i) current in the circuit. Q6. Write an expression for calculating electrical power (ii) potential difference across the 4.0 ohm resistor. in terms of current and resistance. (iii) voltage drop when the current is flowing. (iv) potential difference across the cell. Q7. Draw a labelled diagram of the staircase wiring for a [Ans.: 0.06A, 0.24V, 0.06V, 1.44 V] dual control switch showing a bulb in the circuit. Q5. (a) Sketch a graph to show the change in potential Q8. The electrical gadgets used in a house such as bulbs, difference across the ends of an ohmic resistor and fans, heater, etc, are always connected in parallel, the current flowing in it. Label the axes of your graph. NOT in series. Give two reasons for connecting them (b) What does the slope of the graph represent? in parallel. Q6. The V - I graph for a series combination and for a parallel Q9. How does the heat produced in a wire or a conductor combination of two resistors is as shown in the figure : depend upon the : Which of the two, A or B, represents the parallel (i) current passing through the conductor. combination? Give a reason for your answer. (ii) resistance of the conductor? Q10. Define a kilowatt hour. How is it related to the joule? Q11. Find the cost of operating an electric toaster for two hours if it draws 8 A current on a 110 volt circuit. The cost of electrical energy is Rs.2.50 per kWh. [Ans.: Rs. 4.40] Q12. Draw a labelled diagram of a three-pin socket. Q13. An electrical appliance is rated 1500 W, 250 V. This Q7. In the given figure, the ammeter A reads 0.3 A. Calcuappliance is connected to 250 V mains. Calculate : late: (i) the current drawn, (ii) the electrical energy consumed in 60 hours, (iii) the cost of electrical energy consumed at Rs. 2.50 per kWh. [Ans.: 6A, 90 kWh, Rs. 225] IF TIME IS LEFT REVISE ALL THE SOLVED EXAMPLES OF TEXT BOOK TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 T IWARI TUTORIALS HOUSE HOLD ELECTRICITY Q1. An electrical gadget can give an electric shock to its user under certain circumstances. Mention any two of these circumstances. Q2. What preventive measure provided in a gadget can protect a person from an electric shock? Q3. Name the device used to protect the electric circuits from overloading and short circuits. Q4. On what effect of electricity does the above device work? Q5. Two bulbs are marked 100W, 220V and 60W, 110V. Calculate the ratio of their resistances. TIWARI TUTORIALS (i) the total resistance of the circuit. (ii) the value of R. (iii) the current flowing through R. [Ans.: (i) 20 , (ii) 30 (iii) 0.2A] T IWARI TUTORIALS DATE : 14 MARCH Memorise and write all formulae and basic concepts ELECTROMAGNETISM, CALORIMETRY, THERMIONIC EMISSION AND RADIOACTIVITY ELECTROMAGNETISM 1. Force on a current carrying conductor placed in an external magnetic field : F iBl sin when 90 0 , sin 90 0 1 Fmax iBl 2. Magnetic flux : BAcos 3. s s Transformer ratio : e n i p p s e n ip CALORIMETRY1. Heat gained (absorbed) = mc R , where m = mass; c = sp. heat capacity ; R = rise in temp] 2. Heat lost (given out) = mc F, where m = mass; c = sp. heat capacity ; F = fall in temp Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 7 LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS i.e. 3. c = Q Relationship between specific heat capacity, thermal heat capacity and mass ; T IWARI TUTORIALS NOW DO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS heat energy 3. Thermal heat capacity = change in temperature ELECTROMAGNETISM Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. 5. Heat gained or lost by liquid during change of state = m x Lliq ,where L= Specific latent heat of vaporisation. THERMIONIC EMISSION AND RADIOACTIVITY1. Protons are positively charged particles, having a charge equal to +1.6 x 10-19C mass equal to 1.6 x 10-27 kg 2. Neutrons are neutral particles, having a mass slightly more than protons. 3. Electrons are negatively charged particles, revolving around nucleus. Their mass is equal to 9.1 x 10-31 kg and charge equal to -1.6 x 10-19 C. 4. XA represents the symbol for an atom of any element. Z X is the name of element; A is the mass number of element and Z the atomic number of element. 5. The number of nucleons in the atom of an element is called its mass number. 6. The number of protons in an atom is called atomic number. 7. The atoms of same element, having same atomic number, but different mass number are called isotopes. 8. The atoms of different elements, having different atomic number, but same mass number are called isobars. 9. Law of -emission : When a radioactive nucleus ejects an -particle, its mass number decreases by 4a.m.u. and atomic number by 2a.m.u, such that it occupies a position, two places behind in periodic table, as compared to its original position. 10. Law of -emission : When the nucleus of an element ejects -particles, its mass number remains same, but its atomic number increases by one a.m.u. and hence its position is one place ahead in the periodic table, as compared to its original position. 11. Law of -emission : During gamma emission, the mass number and atomic number remain unchanged. TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 Q5. Q6. T IWARI TUTORIALS state = m x Lsolid ,where L= Specific latent heat of fusion T IWARI TUTORIALS Heat gained or lost by solid during change of T IWARI TUTORIALS 4. T IWARI TUTORIALS By the principle of calorimetry : Heat gained by cold body = Heat lost by hot body TIWARI TUTORIALS i.e. c = m x c. 3. T IWARI TUTORIALS thermal heat capacity = mass x specific heat capacity Q7. State one advantage of a.c. over d.c. W hy does a magnetic needle show a deflection when brought close to a current carrying conductor? State one point of similarity and one point of difference between an a.c. generator and a d.c. motor. (i) What is the name given to a cylindrical coil whose diameter is less in comparison to its length? (ii) If a piece of soft iron is placed inside the current carrying coil, what is the name given to the device? (iii) Give one use of the device named by you in (ii)above. (i) State two factors on which the strength of an induced current depends. (ii) W hen a solenoid that is carrying current is freely suspended, it comes to rest along a particular direction. Why does this happen? (i) W hat will happen to a compass needle when the compass is placed below a wire and a current is made to flow through the wire? Give a reason to justify your answer. (ii) W hat energy conversion takes place during the working of a D.C. .motor? (a) State the energy change which takes place when a magnet is moved inside a coil having a galvanometer at its ends. Name this phenomenon. (b) Draw a labelled diagram of an A.C. generator. CALORIMETRYQ1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. What is meant by Global warming? A piece of ice at 00C is heated at a constant rate and its temperature recorded at regular intervals till steam is formed at 100 0C. Draw a temperature-time graph to represent the change in phase. Label the different parts of your graph. Define calorimetry. When 1 g of ice at 00C melts to form 1 g of water at 00C then, is the latent heat absorbed by the ice or given out by it? 250g of water at 30 0C is present in a copper vessel of mass 50 g. Calculate the mass of ice required to bring down the temperature of the vessel and its contents to 50C. Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336x103 Jkg 1. Specific heat capacity of copper vessel = 400 Jkg 1 0C 1. Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 Jkg 1 0C 1. Calculate the amount of ice which is required to cool 150 g of water contained in vessel of mass 100g at 30 0 C. such that the final temperature of the mixture is 5 0C. (Take specific heat capacity of material of vessel as 0.4 Jg-1 0C-1, specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 Jg-1, specific heat capacity of water = 1.2 Jg-1 0C-1). In what way will the temperature of water at the bottom of a waterfall be different from the temperature at the top? Give a reason for your answer. A piece of ice of mass 40 g is dropped into 200g of water at 500C. Calculate the final temperature of water after all Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 8 Q12. Q13. Q14. THERMIONIC EMISSION AND RADIOACTIVITY Q1. Q2. Q3. (i) What is meant by Radioactivity? (ii) What is meant by nuclear waste? (iii) Suggest one effective way for the safe disposal of nuclear waste. Which of the radioactive radiations : (i) can cause severe genetical disorders. (ii) are deflected by an electric field? (i) What is the value of the speed of gamma radiations in air or vacuum? TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 T IWARI TUTORIALS T IWARI TUTORIALS T IWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS (ii) Name a material which exhibits fluorescence when cathode rays fall on it. Q4. A radioactive substance is oxidized. What change would you expect to take place in the nature of its radioactivity? Give a reason for your answer. Q5. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate words : (i) T IWARI TUTORIALS Q11. A piece of iron of mass 2.0 kg has a thermal capacity of 966 J C-1. (i) How much heat is needed to warm it by 15 C? (ii) What is its specific heat capacity in S.I. units? [Ans.: 14490 J, 483 Jkg-1 0C-1] If there is no heat loss to the surroundings, the heat released by the condensation of m1 g of steam at 1000C into water at 1000C can be used to convert m2 g of ice at 00C into water at 00C. (i) Find : (1) the heat lost by steam in terms of m1. (2) the heat gained by ice in terms of m2. (ii) From a heat equation find the ratio of m2:m1. (Specific latent heat of vaporization of steam = 2268 kJ kg-1) Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 kJ kg-1.Specific heat capacity of water = 4200J kg-1 0C-1. [Ans. : 2268 m1 + 420 m1, 336m2, m2 : m1 = 8 : 1] Is it possible to condense the water formed, back to ice by adding ice at 00C? Explain, giving a suitable reason to justify your answer. Does land cool at a slower or faster rate than water? Give one reason for your answer. In a laboratory experiment for finding specific latent heat of ice, 100g of water at 300C was taken in a calorimeter made of copper and of mass 10g. When 10g of ice at 00C was added to the mixture and kept within the liquid till the ice melted completely, the final temperature of the mixture was found to be 200C? (i) What is the total quantity of water in the calorimeter at 200C? (ii) Specific heat capacities of water and copper being 4.2 Jg -1 0C -1 and 0.4 Jg -1 0C -1 respectively, what quantity of heat would each release in cooling down to 200C from the initial stage? (iii) Write an expression for the heat gained by ice on melting. (iv) Calculate the value of the latent heat of fusion of ice from the data discussed above. T IWARI TUTORIALS Q10. the ice has melted. (specific heat capacity of water = 4200 Jkg-1 0C-1, (specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 x 103 Jkg-1) W hy does the heat supplied to a substance during its change of state not cause any rise in its temperature? T IWARI TUTORIALS Q9. LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS During the emission of a beta particle, the ......... number remains the same. (ii) The minimum amount of energy required to emit an electron from a metal surface is called...... . Q6.(a) (i) What is meant by free electrons? (ii) Why are they generally not able to leave the metallic surface? (iii) Suggest one way by which these electrons could be made to leave the metal surface. (b) In a cathode ray tube why is the : (i) filament made of tungsten? (ii) Cathode plate coated with oxide of barium or strontium? (iii) thick glass screen coated with barium platinocyanide? (c) A nucleus A ZX emits an alpha particle followed by emission; thereafter it emits two particles to form X3. (i) Copy and complete the values of A and Z for X3: A Z X X1 (ii) Out of alpha , 2 X 2 beta ....... ....... X3 and gamma radiations 1. Which radiation is the most penetrating? 2. Which radiations are negatively charged? Q7. How is the radioactivity of an element affected when it undergoes a chemical change to form a chemical compound? Q8. (i) Mention one use and one harmful effect of radioactivity. (ii) Give one source of background radiation. Q9. X Y the above diagram shows an electron gun of a hot cathode ray tube, (i) Name the parts X and Y. (ii) A 6 V d.c. source and a 1000 V d.c. source are Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 9 TIWARI TUTORIALS LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS available. Show how these sources should be connected to the terminals of X and Y so as to obtain a focused beam of fast moving electrons. Q10. What physical quantity does the electron volt measures? How is it related to the S.I. unit of this quantity? Q11. How many and particles are emitted when Uranium nucleus 92 U 238 decays to Lead 82 Pb 206 ? IF TIME IS LEFT REVISE ALL THE SOLVED EXAMPLES OF TEXT BOOK DATE : 15 MARCH NOW DO THE MODEL PAPER PRACTICE PAPER ICSE - X PHYSICS Paper 1 (Two Hours) Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minute. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answer. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] SECTION - I (40 Marks) Answer all questions from this section Quesiton 1. (a) Which physical quantity the area under the curve represents? State its units. (b) Two bodies of equal mass are dropped from a cliff. At any instant which physical quantity will be same F [2] Force 0 Time t and which will change continuously. (c) [2] When a constant force is applied to a moving body with constant acceleration is power constant. Explain. [2] (d) The diagram shows a system of pulleys. The rope is pulled at P with a force of 60N. (i) What is the tension in the around pulley A? (ii) What is the tension in the rope around pulley B? [2] (e) A pulley system has V.R. of 4 and officiency of 90%. Caluclate the M.A. of the system. [2] Quesiton 2. (a) The speed of light in two media A and B, equals 0.75 C and 0.6 C where C=velocity of light in vacuum. Which way and why should light travel so that it may undergo total internal reflection? [2] (b) Define the term 'power of lens'. Write its unit in S.I. TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 [2] Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 10 LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS TIWARI TUTORIALS (c) Two waves A and B in air have wavelength 0.01 and 9000 respectively. Name the two waves. Compare the speeds of these waves when they travel in vacuum. [2] (d) Define forced vibrations. The rear view mirror of a motor-cycle starts vibrating at some particular speed of the motor-cycle. Why does this happen? [2] (e) A given sound wave, having a time period of 10-4 second has a wavelength of 0.30 m. If another sound wave has a lower period of 10-6 second, find the frequency of the new wave. [2] Quesiton 3. (a) The resistance of wire is 176 , How many such wires should be connected so that their combination gross a current 5A from 220V supply and state the type of connection used? [2] (b) The equivalent resistance of the following circuit diagram is 4 . Calculate the value of x. 5 x A [2] B 8 4 (c) Why electric power is transmitted at high voltage and low current over long distances? [2] (d) What are the differences between electromagnet and bar magnet? [2] (e) What are the factors on which the strength of the induced current depends? [2] Quesiton 4. (a) A certain amount of heat Q will warm 1g of material X by 3 oC and 1g of material Y by 4 oC. Which material has a greater specific heat capacity? Why? [2] (b) How is the boiling point of water affected when salt is added to it? [2] (c) An electric heater of power 1000W raises the temperature of 5 kg of a liquid from 25 0C to 31 0C in 2 minutes. Calculate : (i) heat capacity of the liquid and (ii) its specific heat capacity. [2] (d) Why is graphite coating made on the inner side of the cathode ray tube? [2] (e) Define the term work function of a metal. What is its unit? [2] SECTION - II (40 Marks) Answer any Four questions Quesiton 5. (a) A uniform metre rule of mass 100 g is balanced on a fulcrum at mark 40 cm by suspending an unknown mass m at the mark 20 cm. Find the value of m. To which side the rule will tilt if the mass m is moved to the mark 10 cm? What is the resultant moment now? How can it be balanced by another mass 50 g? [4] (b) State and prove law of conservation of energy for a body falling freely under gravity. [4] (c) What happens to the power if the time for doing a work is reduced from t second to t/10 second? [2] Quesiton 6. (a) A pulley system can lift a load of 1200 N by an effort of 250 N if the resistance due to movable parts and friction is 300N calculate (i) Mechanical advantage (ii) total number of pulleys in the system (iii) efficiency of the system. [3] (b) (c) (d) A ray of light is incident from air in to a given medium. If the refractive index of this medium is 2 , and the angle of refraction is 30o, what are the values of the angles of (i) incidence (ii) emergence (iii) deviation for this ray. [3] Define second focus of convex lens. [2] Define critical angle. State two factors on which critical angle depends. [2] Quesiton 7. (a) A ray of light A parallel to the principal axis is incident on a plano- concave lens P as shown in Fig. The ray after passing through the lens P falls on a bi-convex lens Q and after refraction by the lens Q, the ray is found to be parallel to the principal axis. Complete the ray diagram and find the focal length of the lens Q. TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 [2] Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 11 LAST MINUTE PACKAGE :- ICSE - X TIWARI TUTORIALS (b) TIWARI TUTORIALS A beam consisting of red, blue and yellow colours is incident on an isosceles right angled prism as shown in fig. Complete the diagram to show the refracted and the emergent rays. Given that the critical angle of glass-air interface for yellow colour is 450. (c) [2] A boy stands 60 m infront of a tall wall and claps. The boy continues to clap every time an echo is heard. Another boy finds that the time taken between the first and fifty-first clap is 18 s. Calculate the speed of sound. (d) [3] The diagram below shows three of the many ways in which the string of an instrument can vibrate. l (i) (ii) (iii) l l (a) (b) (c) Which of the diagrams shows the principal note? Which has the frequency four times that of the first? What is the ratio of the frequency of the vibration in (a) and (b)? [3] V 1 Quesiton 8. (a) A current combination of resistors is connected as shown. What would be the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter 4 5 2 7 5 3 9 A connected as shown in the circuit? [3] + 3V (b) Define the terms emf and terminal volotage State two difference between them. [3] (c) A hostel consists of 10 tube lights of power 40 watt each working 10 h a day, 15 fans each drawing a current of 3/11 ampere working 20h a day, 2 TV sets of resistance 121 working 5 h a day. If electrical energy is supplied at the rate of Rs. 3.20 per unit and operating voltage is 220 V, find the electricity bill of the hostel for 30 days. [4] Quesiton 9. (a) Why the core of the transformer made of soft iron and is laminated? [2] (b) 2kg of ice melts when a jet of steam at 100 oC is passed through a hole drilled in a block of ice. What mass of steam was used? Given sp. heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kg oC specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 103 J/kg specific latent heat of vaporisation of steam = 2268 103 J/kg. [3] (c) Find the result of mixing 10g of ice at -10 0C with 10 g of water at 10 0C. (Specific heat capacity of ice = 2.1 Jg-1 0C 1, sp.latent heat of ice = 336 J g-1 and sp. heat capacity of water = 4.2 Jg-1 0C-1). [3] (d) Draw a well labelled diagram of calorimeter. [2] Quesiton 10. (a) Draw a well labelled diagram of a cathode ray tube. Why cathode ray tube evacuated to a low pressure. [3] (b) Define thermionic emission. Mention one use of thermionic emission. Name a substance which is a good thermionic emitter. [2] (c) What will an alpha particle change into when it absorbs (i) one electron (ii) two electrons. [2] (d) A nucleus A ZX emits an alpha particle follwed by emission; thereafter it emits two -particle to form Y. Copy and complete the value of A and Z for Y. Out of alpha, beta and gamma radiations : (1) which radiation is the most penetrating and (2) which radiations are negativety charged. [3] AFTER SOLVING THIS PAPER SOLVE ATLEAST 3 MORE MODEL PAPERS. 16 MARCH - Revision all the formula, key concepts, units and practice for the diagram. TIWARI TUTORIALS Gomti Nagar : 0522-4043177 Indira Nagar : 0522-4043277 All the best Aliganj : 0522-4043477 Aashiyana : 0522-4041077 12

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